We’ve received some complaints about a problem with the Windows 10 update from many people not only from Australia but also from other countries as well. With that in mind, we found two ways of blocking the Windows 10 upgrade for those who would rather stick to their current settings. Blocking the update can either be done manually or by downloading a program to help with the process.
Uninstalling Manually
The Windows 10 upgrade can be taken off your computer manually by just a few simple steps. First you go and search from your Start Menu panel the “Programs and Features�?. After that, you select the “view installed updates�? which will give you a list of uploaded files. Locate the individual files in relation to the Windows 10 update for Windows 7 which includes, 3035583, 2952664, and 3021917 or for Windows 8 that has 3035583 and 2976978 files. You need to select and take them out one by one from your computer, do not restart yet after this step as you still have to block the update so that your Windows Upgrade does not automatically download these files again.
The second phase of this method involves blocking of the aforementioned updates, to do this, you need to open your Windows Update and then scroll through the update files and find the files 3035583, 2952664 and 3021917 for Windows 7 and files 3035583 and 2976978 for Windows 8 respectively. Once you had that sorted out, block them by choosing the “important update is available�? then choose hide for each. This effectively blocks these files from being downloaded during future updates of your Windows 7 or 8.
GWX Control Panel Blocking
This method of blocking the Windows 10 upgrade requires you to download and install the GWX Control Panel. After that, you have to install the program and run it. In the start-up window, select the option that disables Windows 10, its clear cut so you will not make a mistake doing this. Then open your Windows Update and then check for the files related to Windows 10 such as 3035583, 2952664 and 3021917 for Windows 7 and 3035583 and 2976978 for Windows 8. Check if you can find these files and block them out if your find them, just in case you happen to have installed them unknowingly. With that, you have blocked the Windows 10 update prompt from your computer.
Just in case you are wondering about the safety of the program, the GWX Control Panel is a one-time EXE file and involves no other third party application or program. It is completely free which is great and allows you to block the Windows 10 update and at the same time allows you to run the updates vital for Windows 7 or 8. It also does not collect any data with regards to the user so you are completely safe from any untoward activity that may compromise your computer and you.
Blocking the Windows 10 update can be done thru manual blocking and by downloading the GWX Control Panel. You are good to go with your current settings without any trouble from the Windows 10 update until you finally decide that you are ready to go a notch and finally upgrade. Take note that in upgrading, you just have to undo what you did when you blocked it and you will be able to start crackling again. If this article was able to assist you, don’t forget to like and share our page. Please also leave a comment below and tell us how we did. Thank you.